This study can ONLY be completed using a laptop or desktop computer. Please return using a desktop device.
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In this task, you will see words on the screen, one at a time.
Each word will appear in one of two colors: GREEN or RED.
The color tells you how to respond to the word:
Say as many words as possible that are SIMILAR TO or ASSOCIATED WITH the word shown.
Think of related words, similar concepts, or things that go together.
Say as many words as possible that are DIFFERENT FROM or UNRELATED TO the word shown.
Think of words from different categories, unrelated concepts, or things that have nothing to do with each other.
For each word, you'll have a short time to give as many responses as you can before the next word appears.
Try to avoid repeating the same words throughout the task.
Note: The task will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your voice will be recorded for research purposes only.
You're ready to start the Word Association Task.
When you click "Start Task", your microphone will be activated and the task will begin. The first word will appear after a 3-second countdown.
Starting in...
Task complete. Please wait to be redirected to the next task...