This study can ONLY be completed using a laptop or desktop computer. Please return using a desktop device.
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We are going to challenge you to do two things at once!
Here is the first thing you will be doing:
You will see a category appear on your screen. Your task is to say as many words from that category as you can.
Please continue to say as many words as possible from that category for the entire duration of this task - even after the category word has disappeared!
Important: Try to speak clearly at a normal volume. Your voice will be recorded for research purposes only.
For example: If the category is Countries, you could say "America, Japan, Malaysia, France, Germany..."
AND at the same time...
You will see numbers flash, one at a time, on your screen.
When you see: the SPACE BAR key on your keyboard as quickly as you can!
Please ONLY press the space bar when you see three odd or three even numbers in a row.
Let's practice doing both things at once.
Keep saying words from the category while watching for the number sequences.
Category: Stationery
(e.g., pen, pencil, paper, notebook, ruler...)
Your category for this task is:
The task will begin in:
Remember to say as many different animals as you can while watching for the number sequences.
Task complete. Please wait to be redirected to the next task...