This study can ONLY be completed using a laptop or desktop computer. Please return using a desktop device.
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Exploring Word Naming Across the Lifespan
Thank you for your interest in our research. This study aims to understand how language use and category naming evolve throughout different stages of life.
Your participation is valuable and will contribute to our understanding of linguistic development.
Important: This study can ONLY be completed using a laptop or desktop computer. Tablets (including iPads) and mobile phones are not compatible with the study tasks.
If you experience any technical difficulties during the study, please contact the researcher at
Have you reviewed and agreed to the informed consent document?
Let's make sure your computer is ready for the study
This study requires specific technical capabilities. Please complete each step below to ensure everything works properly:
We'll check if your browser is compatible with our study tasks.
We need to record your voice during some tasks.
Some tasks require you to press the spacebar quickly.
Press the spacebar to test your keyboard
Please ensure you're in a quiet environment with minimal distractions.
Great! Your system is ready for the study. Click "Continue" to proceed.
Note: Please complete all technical checks before proceeding.